Different Types of Horse Hay Bags and Their Importance

  When it comes to caring for horses, the importance of proper feeding practices cannot be overstated. One essential tool in a horse owner’s caring pantry is the horse hay bag . This seemingly simple item can significantly impact your horse's health, behavior, and overall well-being.  However, with a myriad of options available in the market, equine owners are always in a quandary about which type to get for their horses. So, let’s dive into the hay bag world and explore the different horse hay bags, how each is different, and their specialty that is beneficial for your horse.    Buy Horse Hay Bags on Amazon Why Use a Hay Bag for Horses? Why Not? Hay bags are essential tools for all horse owners to get the various benefits that contribute to the overall well-being of their equine companion. From improving digestion, enhancing gut health, strengthening their gum line, and providing mental stimulation to reducing hay waste, hay bags help in many ways and bring numerous...

Pioneer Pet Raindrop Pet Fountain Replacement Filters

Being a pet parent of furry pets, you must have heard of the pioneer pet fountain filter that is highly efficient and effective in keeping pets hydrated enough. However, with that, there comes the need to keep the water clean and fresh that is moving in these pet fountains. When it comes to keeping cats hydrated throughout the day and making sure that they drink enough water, it becomes a tough job for pet parents. 

pioneer pet fountain filter

As cats are considered predators thus as per their biological nature, they are most likely to get all the water content from the animal meat they eat by killing other animals in wild. However, for pet cats, it becomes a bit tough to get all the required water content because they don’t likely drink much water on their own. Cats instinctually sidestep stagnant water because it can either give a stinky smell or they feel it carrying bacteria. There comes the need for pet fountains that keeps the water flowing from it and attracts pets to drink water from it. 

Let us have a look at the complete details and functionality of this pioneer pet fountain filter replacement. 

What is a pioneer pet fountain filter and how does it function?

Pioneer pet fountain comes in varieties of options that keep the water flowing through them continuously encouraging pets to drink water from them. Using this, pet parents find it a relief from letting pets drink water from it again and again. A Pioneer pet fountain pump is used in these pet fountains that regulates and maintains water flow along with the moving speed of the water in the fountain. 

The Pioneer pet fountain pump is compatible to use with various types of fountains like the pioneer pet raindrop fountain, pioneer pet swan pet drinking fountain, stainless steel fountain, plastic fountain, and much more. It is recommended to clean the pump weekly for better performance.

Now comes the filtration part of the water fountain which is very critical to keep the flowing water clean and fresh. Pioneer pet fountain filter replacement works on three layers filtration system. Among them, there is one activated carbon filter and a pre-filter to protect the submersible pump. Below are the complete details of the functionality of different filters:

  • Carbon filters are essential to remove harmful particles, debris, hairs, and odors from the water.
  • Pre-filters are used to extend the life of the dispenser pump and carbon filters by clearing waste from the water. 
  • Quad or triple filtration techniques have a third ion exchange polish filter to crystallize minerals and reduce extra chemicals from tap water that might be harmful to the pet’s health. Fountain filter pioneer pet is well-known for using this technique. 

Complete functionality of pioneer pet fountain filter replacement:

Fountain filter pioneer pet can be used in various pet fountains like raindrop fountains, plastic fountains, stainless steel fountains, or even in big max ceramic fountains. These are made with a premium charcoal filter that features three layers of filtration to grab the trash, and debris by removing contrived tastes and odors that might occur from tap water. Below mentioned are some key features of this filter replacement:

  • It helps in keeping water clean & fresh.
  • It is highly effective in capturing debris and removes artificial tastes and smells that might occur from the tap water. 
  • These are made using premium charcoal filters
  • Known for its 3-layer filtration system
  • Extends life of the fountain

Instructions for using fountain filter pioneer pet:

1) Irrigate the filter before using it to help eliminate any loose pieces of charcoal.

2) Release the pump housing shell.

3) Insert the filter into pump housing troughs.

4) Drop the filter down until flush with the bottom.

5) Replace the pump housing cover.

It is recommended that these filters should be changed every two to four weeks depending on the number of pets using the fountain and the size of the fountain. 

Shop Kwik Pets to get varieties of the best pet water fountains to keep your pets hydrated and pioneer pet fountain filters to ensure clean and fresh water supply to maintain proper pet healthiness.


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