Different Types of Horse Hay Bags and Their Importance

  When it comes to caring for horses, the importance of proper feeding practices cannot be overstated. One essential tool in a horse owner’s caring pantry is the horse hay bag . This seemingly simple item can significantly impact your horse's health, behavior, and overall well-being.  However, with a myriad of options available in the market, equine owners are always in a quandary about which type to get for their horses. So, let’s dive into the hay bag world and explore the different horse hay bags, how each is different, and their specialty that is beneficial for your horse.    Buy Horse Hay Bags on Amazon Why Use a Hay Bag for Horses? Why Not? Hay bags are essential tools for all horse owners to get the various benefits that contribute to the overall well-being of their equine companion. From improving digestion, enhancing gut health, strengthening their gum line, and providing mental stimulation to reducing hay waste, hay bags help in many ways and bring numerous...

How To Maintain Proper GH Level In The Aquarium?

Trying to search for the best product to maintain the proper hardness level in your aquarium? Ever tried a wonder shell in your aquarium? Water that has low general levels of hardness (GH) levels is known as softer water whereas water with higher GH levels is considered to be hard water. A soft water aquarium contains very less or no calcium and magnesium levels. On the other hand, hard water contains calcium and magnesium ions in large amounts. 

wonder shell

Weco wonder shell plays a vital role in maintaining proper hardness and water balance in the aquarium. If you need more minerals for snails, goldfish, African cichlids, shrimp, plants, etc. The Wonder Shell aquarium is really a great option to consider and start with.  

Why it is important to maintain proper GH levels in aquariums?

Maintaining proper GH levels in aquariums is crucial to taking care of the Osmoregulation process. Osmoregulation is the process in which fish or other aquatic pets balances the water and salt quantity inside their body with water and salt quantity outside their body. Thus, it is important for fish and other aquatic pets’ health. Because if there will be any imbalance occurs, it can lead to severe health issues that can even lead to the death of fish and other aquatic pets. 

Wonder shell aquarium plays a vital role here as it helps in maintaining proper GH levels in water by proving the proper minerals and electrolytes required to keep pets' health in check. This eventually helps aid in muscle and bone growth, development of gills, digestion, enhances resistance to diseases, and much more. 

What is the role of the wonder shell in aquariums?

Weco wonder shell is made from all-natural ingredients that are helpful in providing valuable minerals and electrolytes required to keep aquatic pets healthy, happy, and strong. Electrolytes simply mean providing a balanced amount of calcium and magnesium ions required. When added to your aquarium, these shells slowly dissolve, releasing all important components into your aquarium and raising your GH. It is also helpful in providing snails, crabs, and turtles with an efficiently functional source of calcium for wholesome shell growth.

Weco wonder shell is also beneficial in conditioning water by removing chloramine and chlorine that occurs from tap water. It is also effective in reducing cloudiness as well. These are highly effective and beneficial for use in small beginner aquariums. Each shell is properly used to aerate, oxygenate, and neutralize all the harmful acids in water. 

Below are the guidelines for dosage based on the aquarium sizes as recommended by the manufacturer:

Quart - 1 small shell 

Gallon - 2 small shells

5 gallon - 1 large shell

10-20 gallon - 1 supersize shell will be enough

Larger than 20 or a pond - 1+ giant size shells will be required.

What are the benefits of using Wonder shells in the aquarium?

Below are some benefits of using a Wonder shell aquarium:

  • It helps in removing chlorine & helps to keep the aquarium clear
  • It is excellent to use with Livebearers, Goldfish, Cichlids, Plants, and various other aquatics.
  • When there is a lack of minerals in the water, these mineral blocks are helpful in curing scoliosis in fish such as Guppys or even Bettas.
  • Regular use of these shells also helps in the prevention of HITH because of the integrity of various important minerals found within these shells. 
  • It also clears cloudy water
  • It also increases the ratio of dissolved oxygen and other minerals in the water. 
  • Aids in the prevention of toxic ammonia formation.

Shop Kwik Pets to get the best quality wonder shell with all other products for your aquarium and aquatic pets at an affordable price with the fastest shipping of your orders. 


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